Hollie is a Public Health leader with over five years of experience managing federal health and nutrition programs. She is an experienced educator and group facilitator with expertise in program evaluation, community outreach, and community partnership. Hollie has been a beneficial team member of Healthy Oxford Hills since 2018, serving as the Maine SNAP-Ed Community Nutrition Educator. In this role, Hollie taught healthy eating classes to diverse clients, built relationships with local service providers to ensure an inter-professional approach and best practice when servicing SNAP-Ed participants, and supported the Maine SNAP-Ed with curriculum development, creating training resources for other educators, and presentations to statewide groups. Hollie currently serves on the Board for the Western Maine Addiction Recovery Initiative (WMARI) and Alan Day Community Garden. Hollie earned a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and EcoGastronomy from the University of New Hampshire. She recently completed her Master of Public Health from the University of New England, with a focus in Public Health Administration, Health Promotion, and Chronic Disease Prevention. In her free time, she enjoys exploring the beauty of Maine with her husband, including hiking, biking, kayaking, gardening, and camping.

Brendan Schauffler is the Network Facilitator for the Oxford County Wellness Collaborative. In this role he helps to support collaboration among numerous partners, serving as a connector. He helps with boosting the capacity of the network by aiding in strategic alignment and supporting the Collaborative’s Steering Committee. Brendan has a professional background in project management, writing, editing, and crafting messaging for marketing and outreach, supporting collective impact work, and public health. He has a Master's in Policy, Planning and Management from the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine and is a member of the Maine Network Partners (a group of facilitative leaders from across the state). He lives in Norway with his wife and two children, and spends his spare time at the gym, hiking, playing and reading with his kids, DJing, and watching nature documentaries.