Social isolation and loneliness in the time of COVID-19

The need to physically distance ourselves to stop the spread of COVID-19 has amplified isolation and made the lonely even lonelier. Please do what you can to check in on your friends and neighbors. They may be safe from the virus, but have other needs that you could help with. Hearing a friendly voice may be the sort of help that they need too.
The Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness has put together a great list of resources about staying connected during this time:
You'll find resource about how to overcome isolation, as well as articles about the impacts of the pandemic on mental health.
If you or someone you know is in need of help or resources right now, check out these places where resources have been gathered:
Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce's Resources for COVID-19 Response
Healthy Oxford Hills' COVID-19 Information & Resources
211 Maine can direct you to help through their website, a phone call, or a text