Restorative Community Training
Our popular Healthy Community Gatherings Host Trainings are now called Restorative Community Trainings.
They are ideal for anyone who wants to develop their facilitation skills and hold conversations that foster trust, commitment, and a sense of belonging, and anyone who wants to be more effective tackling complex problems with greater impact.
The training was created to train “hosts” for our Healthy Community Gatherings, but it is appropriate for anyone wanting to build interpersonal skills and experience with public leadership. We’ve found that the training is extremely valuable in shifting from the “default” mindset of focusing first on problems and deficits to a mindset that emphasizes possibilities, and the unique gifts that we all have to offer our communities.
The training empowers participants to directly address the root cause of isolation/disconnection/not feeling valued—things that the Wellness Collaborative’s work has identified as interfering with healthy lives in Oxford County.
We have some funding to offer this training free of charge and are committed to making it available to anyone who wants to gain more leadership skills. Our funding is limited, so if participants are able to, we invite you to make a sliding scale contribution at the training (the cost is $50 per person). Any contributions we receive will enable us to offer additional trainings. We know that the kinds of conversations that these trainings support can go a long way toward building community. More trainings means more community, so please contribute if you are able to. Don’t worry if you are not able to contribute.
Your presence and time is a contribution in itself, and we are very grateful for this. We want you to be there!
Want to know when the next training is happening? Please check our event calendar or be in touch and we’ll make sure to keep you informed.